For centuries, Freemasonry has a reputation of being extremely secretive. What many find surprising is that most Freemasons are very willing to answer many of the questions you may have about us. Just in case you do not currently know a Freemason, the below are the questions that we receive the most.

What are the requirements for joining?
The requirements of joining our fraternity are very straightforward. All applicants must be male, over the age of 18, believe in God, and be a good man. If you fit these criteria, you are eligible to petition/apply for membership. See the Contact Us page to start the process.
Is Freemasonry a religion or a cult?
ABSOLUTELY NOT. All Freemasons are required to believe in God, but we do not require any specific religion/denomination to join. No aspect of Freemasonry conflicts with your duty you owe to God, your Country, your Neighbor, or Yourself. Membership includes ministers, deacons, elders, Sunday school teachers, etc...
Are you active in supporting our community?
We are registered with the IRS as a 501(c)(3), and every penny raised is used to help improve the lives of those in our community. Some of the programs we actively support are listed below:
- Masonic Homes of Kentucky
- Backpack Snack Program of Frankfort/Franklin County
- Franklin County Public Schools
- Hiram Lodge #4 Past Master's Scholarship Program
- Access Soup Kitchen
- Franklin County Women and Family Shelter